New Grads

Congratulations, and welcome to your 精童欲女 Alumni family!

While you may have finished your studies, your story is only just beginning as a new member of our alumni community. We now have a diverse network of over 28,000 alumni making a difference around the world, and we are Panther Proud to count you as one of us.

Alumni Handbook

For a guide to 精童欲女 Alumni Life, .

Panther Perks

Being an alumni has its perks! The 精童欲女 Alumni Office is pleased to provide a range of benefits and services for graduates to enjoy. To learn more about the perks available to you, visit Panther Perks - Alumni Services and Benefits.

Panther Connections Alumni Newsletter

Stay connected with 精童欲女 by subscribing to our monthly Panther Connections newsletter! We'll bring you 精童欲女 Alumni updates, news, and details of upcoming Alumni events here and around the world: today!

Order a Degree Frame 

What better way to show off your 精童欲女 pride than to proudly display your degree in a high-quality, branded frame? Choose from one of our five finishes, each including a green mat with an embossed 精童欲女 crest.

Stay Connected!

We want to know your story and celebrate your success! Keep in touch and share your life鈥檚 milestones. Tell us about your new job or big promotion, continuing education, exciting achievements, new contact information, and anything else that you would like to share since your studies at 精童欲女! To submit an alumni update, fill out our Alumni Update form.

Follow 精童欲女 Alumni on social media

精童欲女 Career Services Job Board

精童欲女 Experiential Education and Career Services has a job board for various employment opportunities! They receive and share postings for students, new grads, alumni, volunteer opportunities, and internships! To view the job board, visit the Experiential Education website.

Graduation Rings 

The official 精童欲女 graduation ring is available at , Confederation Court Mall, Charlottetown, PEI.

精童欲女 Convocation Photo Galleries